Clinics & Services

Nursing Services

Coil fitting and removal

Implant insertion and removal

Smear tests



Travel Advice and Vaccinations - We are recognised as a yellow fever centre.

Blood pressure checks

Blood tests

Asthma checks

Diabetes checks

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease checks (COPD)

Family Planning advice and pill checks

Dietary advice

Other Services

Counselling- Link Workers

Each GP surgery has a clinical link worker. They are mental health specialists and have a great deal of knowledge about mental health care and the resources available locally to assist your mental health & wellbeing. This might be particularly helpful if you are not sure about the best way forward for you. You can access this service if you over 18. You can self-refer to your link worker via your GP appointment booking system or your GP can refer you.

link to the Suffolk User Forum website:

Suffolk Wellbeing Service

What help does Suffolk Wellbeing Service offer?

The Wellbeing Service is a partnership of NHS, voluntary and charitable organisations in Suffolk. They enable you to experience improved emotional wellbeing and recover quickly from emotional health problems such as low mood, stress and anxiety.

The Suffolk Wellbeing Service offers workshops and brief therapy groups, guided self-help, peer support and friendship schemes, interactive computer-based therapy, telephone support, one-to-one support and access to other specialist services.

How do I get help from the Wellbeing service?

You can self-refer to the service. You don't have to speak to a GP first. You can fill out a referral form at or you call 0300 123 1781 to speak to a member of the team.

The Suffolk Wellbeing Service is free and open to anyone aged 16 or over living in Suffolk, Norfolk or Great Yarmouth and Waveney

District Nurses

Health Promotion

Health Visitor

MacMillan Nurses

Maternity Care

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